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2008-07-14 [Hedda]: [Trennas]: "well, whatever you did, you managed to create a new problem XD it is now impossible to browse around ET normally in IE7. I can log in from the login page, then i end up on main street, but there is NO TOP BAR, and NO RIGHT SIDE BAR!"
You seem to have disabled your cookies in IE. Maybe you installed a new toolbar or got some virus sort of stuff?
I haven't changed anything about how one logs in and everyone else with IE has no problems so I'm guessing it's something you've done.
2008-07-14 [Hedda]: [Artsieladie]: I think you simply didn't log out from Elftown and think wrong. Logouts still work just fine.
The moods-button is worrying though. Maybe you're having a different font than I (I don't think I've specified that) and a very small screen. How wide is your screen in pixels? 800?
This is 400 wide:
and this 800 wide:
2008-07-14 [Hedda]: [Artsieladie]: Oh, I forgot about the new browser features. You can press Ctrl and '-' in your browser to make the stuff in it smaller. That should do it.
2008-07-14 [Lothuriel]: Is there a particular reason why the ADD ME button doesn't show in someone's house for me?
2008-07-14 [Cia_mar]: if you are already at the top of the list it wont show.....
2008-07-14 [Cia_mar]: request:
can you move the "online friends" up so that it is under the "mail/news/gue
it is annoying to have to keep scrolling down each time i change wikis to see if anyone new is online
2008-07-14 [Trennas]: @Hedda: could be that of course.. IE has been a bit buggy today. ill check tomorrow:)
2008-07-14 [Lothuriel]: Ah, ok then. I will remember that.
2008-07-14 [Hedda]: [Cia_mar]: No, because then one has to scroll an unknown amount of distance to get to the wiki-data. Why don't you just press one Page Down to get to the friends list? Hm... Maybe it's harder for you who use the mouse with the right hand, but it's pretty simple with a scroll-wheel too. Or SPACE in Firefox, for example.
2008-07-14 [Cia_mar]: thats fine... a pain, but fine....
i suppose, for me it is a matter of priority...
i am more interested in knowing my friends are online, then
who made a wiki and what was the last edit, or whatever...
but that is just my opinion
2008-07-14 [Artsieladie]: When I logout, I always wait for the login page to come up, before I exit the tab or window, so I know for sure I have logged out. My screen resolution is set at 1024 x 768. I know about making things smaller. I was able to do that before through the 'Web Developer Toolbar'. However, I opened another browser and retried the elftown.eu link. It took me to the login page as it should, so it probably was just a one time fluke.
Wherever this and that end up, is fine with me. It's just a matter of getting used to where they are, when it's decided where they are going to remain. ;)
2008-07-14 [Trennas]: deleted the cookies and ET works fine again in IE7 ^^
2008-07-15 [Ka1iBuR]: I'm glad the huge font problem can be corrected by changing the stylesheet. With that said, I like the new version better. I'm actually logged on right now via cell phone, and I've noticed the site is a lot easier to navigate. Props, Hedda.
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: I love the new buttons, though I'd still rather have the online friends list above the wiki-edit list... but I love the fact that the wiki-edit-thin
for the rest, when you get used to it, I love it ^^
2008-07-15 [Paul Doyle]: I'm sad the vistor list is now a glorified guestbook. I was initially bewildered and confused by the new layout, but I'm getting used to it now. (Though five years of ET unlearning will have its amusing moments, undoubtedly . . . *chuckle*)
Whatever the case, please keep ET true to its original design as you have been, and don't get seduced by such things as mini-radio stations, Youtube implants and such. (Though that might be interesting to see on Elfpack if this hasn't happened yet . . . I very rarely log onto EP)
2008-07-15 [Tekkon KinKreet]: just a question for you [Hedda] before, when i switched net pages, example going from et to myspace and then back to et again, i had to log back in, now when i come back, it takes me directly to mainstreet. Did you have anything to do with that? i'm pretty much in the dark when it comes to this kind of stuff, so if it's a stupid question, my bad. This is my parents comp, btw, and they use IE.
2008-07-15 [Azuri]: Mine does the auto log in too, I think its kind of nice really since I don't have to type everything in to get back in.(using Firefox 3.0)
2008-07-15 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I... actually have a question. For anyone. I have a friend who has a very old computer. I mean... OLD. And she can't afford anything newer at the moment. And I mean... its so old, that she uses IE5... She told me that Elftown looks horrible on her computer, as it, the pictures are all messed up, she has missing links, she can't do the 'hover' over a last message to read what it said. I've tried getting her to used Opera and it won't work. And FireFox won't work either. Is there any other browser, older browser that ET might work correctly on? I tried getting Safari for it, but she said the download button won't show up. She is a using a MAC, that is as old as Stone Age itself.
Would Elftown possibly show up alright in iCab?
Oh and at the moment, IE7 is not MAC compatable. Unless it changed over night. Dx
2008-07-15 [Asator Stormbringer]: So.., we're allowd to tell you all what we think about this new elftown layout? 0o
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Why wouldn't you, Crow?
2008-07-15 [Dark Side of the Moon]: The only gripe I have is the buttons at the top of the page. It may have to do with the comp that I'm using though. They are listed in a vertical row rather than across the top of the page with a wide green marble-looking field on either side of them. I liked it better the other way. Just my two pence... ;^)
2008-07-15 [AuroraLumos]: that happened to me, it works normally on Firefox 3 (i think) and IE7 older versions have it vertically for some unapparent reason. not done purposefully though
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: It's a problem several of us had when using Firefox 2. I thought it was solved, but maybe it isn't.
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: Erm I think it's been discussed here already, and it has to do with your browser and a SOB bug...try downloading and using Firefox 3/IE7/newest version of Maxthon...
2008-07-15 [Lothuriel]: Personally, I think it rocks! I was a little cheesed at first about the visitors list thing but, it has grown on me and I'm loving it. The layout is pretty and the most wonderful thing is the new wiki layout!!
2008-07-15 [Deleted1906721]: I like the changes/update
2008-07-15 [Nightwolf Moonhowler]: I hate the new look. it's all.. jumbled and messy. I used to be on ET all the time, now, however, I find myself avoiding it :/
2008-07-15 [Easterling]: You'll get used to it, don't worry.
2008-07-15 [EnigmaXero]: It took me a little while to get used to it, but I think it's more organized now. Sure, it may be a little confusing still, as the changes were made quite recently. But I think once you get adapted to them, it's easier to use.
Deviant Art changed here recently, almost more than Elftown did. So it was more easier to adjust, I think, with the two sites changing.
And I do have a myspace, I'll admit. But only because I have family members on there that I talk to. And for those that kept saying this is starting to be more like myspace, I just don't see how. There is really nothing alike between the two sites. O.o
Overall, I like the changes. Just, as stated before, the crashes are a bit annoying, but any website will crash. ^^
2008-07-15 [Nightwolf Moonhowler]: If only they could change the top-buttons back the way they were, I'm sure I'd get used to it.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: What's different about the top-buttons?
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I haven't used a Mac in 14 years, so I have no idea how to update it a working browser. IE 5.0 simply doesn't work and there is no way I'm going to support it.
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: Firefox 3 supports Mac...
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [True, plain and simple]: MSIE 6.0 doesn't know how to float things. It puts objects with "float: left; " under the previous float:left; object instead of right of it like it should.
I don't really know if I really can stop supporting IE6.0, even if it's killed by Microsoft.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [Sauron]: No, Firefox 3 supports Max OS X. That was obviously not the MacOS used.
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: Then what's the MacOS used? Maybe Maxthon supports it.
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: Sorry, my bad, after a bit googling I realized Maxthon and Mac don't really get along..
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: [Khronos Atmosphaera], maybe you should try to use Flock, it has support for Mac, not sure for which version though...
Or try some version of Netscape (you didn't mention trying these)
If you can't find your friend's version here, try googling for it using the word netscape and mac+your OS version..
And if all fails and she REALLY wants to enter ET, maybe she should try installing some reliable and simple version of Linux and use its built up browser (can't remembar if it has any though)...
Bla bla bla, yada yada yada...
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: 25% of the IE users (12% of the total users) use IE 6.0, and I don't want alienate them, if I can avoid it. But they should really upgrade, because IE6 is bad, slow, not working, not secure and it generally pisses me off.
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: they should decide for themselves whether they want to upgrade or not =/
2008-07-15 [Imperator]: lol, just because the alarm told me to:
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: On the other hand, there are many people who get problems with IE7...sometime alternatives like Firefox and Maxthon are much more useful.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [Sauron]: Most Linux-dists don't support Mac-Hardware, but Debian does:
I strongly suggest getting some old hardware in the dumbster than trying to upgrade that old thing though.
For Max OS 9, it's recommended to use http://www.ica
2008-07-15 [Keno]: Eh their ok, some placements are confusing but other wise good I hate the fact that the friends list thing is all the way down at the bottom but that's about it :)
2008-07-15 [Sauron]: [Hedda] From the little I know about Mac and Linux, I think Ubunto (or however you spell this SOB!) has versions for Mac as well, and its supposed to be quite stable..
As for new hardware...wel
Just suggestions though!
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: [Hedda]: MSIE 6.0 doesn't know how to float things. It puts objects with "float: left; " under the previous float:left; object instead of right of it like it should.
Eh? No, it knows how to float for cases like this. It just thinks you want the links to be the width of the TD, so there's no room to place the following link on the right. I'll give you a fix for it when I get back from a shower. It should be pretty easy to get everything to work in everything including and past IE6 without any issue.
2008-07-15 [Dr. Androgynous]: I like the changes to the mood and image descriptions, that's going pretty smooth and a lot better now. The bars and information is godawful, not to speak about the new 'last visitors' system. It's a mess, and lacks logical and user friendly structure. I'm not saying the old one was perfect, but this is even worse.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: Ubuntu doesn't have any new version for the old Mac-hardware, only x86-hardware or Ubuntu 6.06 for PowerPCs.
See http://www.ubu
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: The last visitor list was mainly removed because people are freaking out when some creepy person visit their house a lot.
2008-07-15 [EnigmaXero]: I personally like the way the last visitors is now. Because if I stumble across some artistic, interesting house, I can click Add me to show that I was there, and hope they might visit my house in return. But if I happen to cross over to some creep's house, I don't really have to worry too much about them visiting me. I mean, I know they still can and whatnot, but..
That's just my opinion on it.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: At Elfpack they have suggested a "remove me" button instead of the "add me button", which solves that problem, but not the problem that people freak out just because horny old man visit them all the time.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [manwe]: Your scaling and resizing problem is because Firefox 2.0 is buggy. Opera and Firefox 3.0 work.
2008-07-15 [Lothuriel]: No horny old man ever visits me...
Oh wait!! Yes he did!!
2008-07-15 [Zab]: *points at alarm*
I STILL want the friends list and stuff to be above the wiki page data etc. nd many more with me. >_> It's just so incredibly, absolutely, fruktansvärt, annoying to have it like it is now, wiki stuff should be at the bottom of the right list.
I'd like the other stylesheets to work too, if they arn't already? I especially want a dark stylesheet to break some from this happy green... >_>
Except from that, the updates are okay, once you get used to them. The wiki buttons are handy to the rihgt, but I think ''don't show comments'', ''don't show times'' and ''don't show usernames'' should be added to the list to the right as well.
The changes in ''notes'' are great, and the last visitors list are good too. Random wiki is a good function for when you're bored and dont know what to do, but perhaps if it only included active wikis (or if that was an option to chose).
All in all the updates seem fairly successful, except the wikistuff being on top to the right, and the extra stylesheets not working. :)
2008-07-15 [Alexi Ice]: I am sorry but I do not like the updates at all... It is unorganized and confusing.
I would like the official contests to be featured in the middle of mainstreet, instead of pushed off to the side.
The fact that the message box is split in half is rediculous and un-necessary.
The watch wiki-page stuff looks so much better at the bottom of the page, instead of on the side.
Who wants to look for a random wiki page anyway? Those looked better when they were on the bottom of the page too.
The color is too bright, I have light sensitive eyes so I liked the darker color and the words are a bit too small.
And the fact that it keeps crashing is really annoying too...
Well thats my rant. Like I said, sorry to be so negitive but...I really liked elftown the way it was.
older ET please
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: [Zab]: I'll try to work on the other stylesheets sometime soon. Most of them were outdated a long time ago, but it's only now that they were really broken. It's not difficult, just busy-work, so I have to have some time.
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: I think that clicking on 'view a random wiki page' is invading people's privacy.. Some people might have wikis for personal things which they don't want others to see, but don't have a password for them. It's a bit cheeky.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: [Alexi Ice]: The colour of what is too bright?
Also, the crashes aren't at all related to the layout.
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: Atayemi, I was just thinking the same :S I also have a couple of wikipages which I use to upload stuff on for people and such... non-public wikis.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: I think that it may only do it for wiki-pages with keywords? I might be wrong though.
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: *nods* I do too. I don't really want to log in one day and have a message with someone mocking my older photos of myself or something. I would take the photos down, but I can't remember the name of the wiki. xD And I've got that many wikis on my notes page, I'm too lazy to look it up.
2008-07-15 [Delladreing]: Feel free to call my stupid but is it just me or has the "add me" button gone from the visitor bit on people's houses?
2008-07-15 [Alexi Ice]: Oh I thought they were...Nevermi
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: It's still there for me, Dela. O_o
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: [Alexi Ice]: No, this is the colour they've always been on the main stylesheet. Perhaps you were using a different stylesheet before?
2008-07-15 [Delladreing]: I click on people's houses, and it is adding me straight away. There is no "add me" button. o_O
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: Yeah, I was on [Triola]'s house before and it added me straight away too. o_o?
2008-07-15 [Alexi Ice]: Maybe I dont know exactly...
2008-07-15 [Delladreing]: Maybe things are being played with.
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: There's also the possibility to link wikis to forums or similar to prevent them from appearing on the random thing.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: [Alexi Ice]: I'll let you know when the other stylesheets are brought up to date. Some of them have darker colour schemes, which may be more suited to your tastes. Once they're ready you'll be able to use them and browse more comfortably, I hope. :)
2008-07-15 [Zab]: [True, plain and simple]: Well, don't stress yourself:P
The wiki thing really is more important anyway.. I can barely stand being online here anymore, just because of it. >_>
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: I think I know what's going on. But I'm gonna use True for some testing. Please, Tim, lemme click on you.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: I'm already stressed, so might as well get it done while the going's good. ;) But I don't have direct control over the wiki-thing, so you'll have to wait for [Hedda] on that one. :P
Click meh. (But I believe it's that you only have to click the button for non-friends' houses) :P
2008-07-15 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: [Hedda] and [Sauron] thank you for the suggestions. And I wasn't asking that ET support IE5, I was just looking for help, since ET is one of the best ways to talk to my friend.
Oh, and , I really do like the new lay out.
I like the wiki thing... because I don't have to scroll 5 miles to get to what I want.
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Done. My theory (probably True already knows it, but I have to work on guesses) is that you are added automagically in your relations houses and not in the others. Which would be cool.
EDIT: I guessed it before True. I want that to be clear :P
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: I think that it's when I read people's diaries, I'm added to the last visitors list. O_o Zab posted a diary before and I read it (as you do :P) and I was added to her list when I hadn't clicked 'add me'. Same with Trin, she posted a diary not long before either.
2008-07-15 [Delladreing]: Oooh I was wondering if it was that or not, I think I read it in a forum, but I wasn't aware it had been implemented.
*been waitressing for 10 hours today, more confusing changes = fried Dela brain on toast XD*
2008-07-15 [Zab]: ...>_> Make him come here now...... >O *innocently waves a butcherknife*
Nah..>_> But I havn't really heard of anyone liking the order in the right list..
Edit: Except for the comment above.. but for me, the wiki changes is still on the bottom.-. x_X which is what's important to me; messages, wiki changes, friendslist, wiki data and editing stuff.. in that order.. That's how I'd like it in the right list. In any case, editing stuff should be at the bottom of the right list (not at the bottom of the wiki)
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: Yeah, I think that theory is right, with the whole relations thing. xD Automagically, I like that word. :3
2008-07-15 [EnigmaXero]: I actually like the wiki thing on the right. It looks more organized, and once you get used to it, things are easier to find..instead of having to scroll down, like Tenshi said, 5 miles to get to the bottom to edit or whatnot.
2008-07-15 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Automagically is a pretty awetastic word.
2008-07-15 [Alexi Ice]: [true plain and simple] Thank you. I hate light sensitivity, it's so...troubleso
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Zab: there's no way to make everyone happy.
Atayemi: I fully agree with my theory. And automagically is a word that has been around ET for a long, long time.
2008-07-15 [Zab]: Can't the wiki changes at least be put a little higher? Doesn't people look more for them than for the wiki page data and editing buttons? (Like.. you normally look at more pages than you edit, right? O_o;) That's the impression I've got from most people, not just me. >_>
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: I have no way to know what people look more for. It depends on every person.
2008-07-15 [Zab]: Meh, I'd leave ET just because of that, if I wasn't so damn addicted. >_>
2008-07-15 [Atayemi]: Ah, I'm glad about that. Thanks for the info. *won't panic anymore* :P
2008-07-15 [Imperator]: Question: How do we enter more than one keyword? Do we just put a space between the words or a comma or what?
2008-07-15 [Orpheu]: I didn't like the new layout but now I've gotten used to it and it's not that bad so don't go changing it around again. XD The only thing that still annoys the crap out of me is that when I log in I get to see eltown pictures, some of wich I'd rather not see and have to scrool all the way down to see if I have messages or wiki changes. This is just a little detail but I think it's so much nicer if we can have that info as soon as we log in, specially if we can't stay long.
2008-07-15 [Easterling]: Yes, that annoys me a little bit, too, to be honest.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: People using IE6 with the button-problem on top: Try using _modify-css.cs
2008-07-15 [Tsunade]: the update?...it annoys me..very much
2008-07-15 [Tekkon KinKreet]: the stylesheet worked, thanks.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [True, plain and simple]: I added it to layout.css so they only have to reload to see if it works.
2008-07-15 [Jeesum Crowe]: I don't like the updates at all. That's what I think.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: Well that broke things otherwise, I'll find another solution in a bit..
2008-07-15 [All_Most PUNK]: None of the updates, Crowe?
You broke my FF3 buttons, True -_-
2008-07-15 [Jeesum Crowe]: Uhm... none of the ones I've noticed, anyway. I don't know. Maybe there's a hidden, surprise happy update. But generally I don't like it.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: No, I did...
That I can easily test!
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: Now I hope the buttons work for everyone. I've set the sizes of all the top buttons, so even the most confused browser should get it right.
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: *applause* ^^
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: To early for that. We haven't heard from the IE6-gang yet.
2008-07-15 [True, plain and simple]: IE6 is fine, though admittedly this is getting way more complicated than acheiving that layout has to be. :P
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: *holds*:x
2008-07-15 [Trennas]: well.. since i have IE7 now because i couldnt be bothered to wait for the fix i cant help you there:p
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: same here, actually XD I downloaded it a few days ago.
2008-07-15 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Do you now have to make sure to click 'send as a private message' when replying to a friends only diary?
2008-07-15 [windowframe]: still.... this commentary on my part is likely to get me booted,
Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that simply voicing their opinion in a relatively none-offensive way will get them banned? This doesn't happen on Elftown. The people will the power to ban members only ban those who break the UAR. And voicing your opinion in the way you have (though I disagree with practically everything you say) doesn't not break the UAR. I find it mildly offensive that you really think the people with the power to ban are that petty that they'd ban you for what you've just said. And I also find it sad. And I also think that our older members are just as intolerant of the younger members as the younger are of the older.
2008-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: and it doesn't make you sound any cooler acting like you're standing up for some rebellish opinion and getting banned for the sake of the other surpressed people. -_-
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [manwe]: "2: your "characterizat
I think you totally misread what I wrote. I wasn't referring to you, if that's what you think.
You are not reading reports from people getting annoyed at people looking at your house, not to mention those annoying "You looked at my page, and didn't say anything!" or "Why are you guards looking at my page?" that many people get. Most people are quite happy about that they can look around without being seen.
I generally think that the double notification about wiki-pages and comments is good. I could maybe make it a separate category with "Wiki-pages changed and commented on" (Shorter name?).
2008-07-15 [AuroraLumos]: That's never come across on WC to me... they like opinions on WC as far as I know ^____^ that reminds me.... *pops off to WC to do some shizzle... whatever shizzle ma be XD*
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [Khronos Atmosphaera] "Do you now have to make sure to click 'send as a private message' when replying to a friends only diary?"
Fixed! Thanks for the report!
2008-07-15 [windowframe]: The rules are as evenly applied as we can possibly manage - but we're only humans and sometimes we make mistakes. However, we can't do anything about it unless the members tell us that something's not happened as it should. If they just tell each other then everyone gets upset, and we don't do anything about it, because no one has bothered to tell us, so we don't know anything is wrong.
2008-07-15 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Yay! Okay ^^!
2008-07-15 [Moonlit Serenade]: Saw the alert telling me to give my opinion on the updates.
Generally, I hate them.
The layout is horrible now. I keep thinking I'm logged out, and I'm not. The buttons have progressively gotten worse as the years have gone by, and now they are pathetic. I despise not being able to change my mood outside of my house. I hate the way the side menu was rearranged so now I don't know where anything is. I hate not having my valentines stylesheet with the lovely ivy-hearts that cheered me every time I saw them. And I have honestly been so turned off by those changes I haven't taken time to log on and explore the rest. I'm sure there are many good things done to make things run smoother, and the wiki buttons look nice, but right now I don't even want to log on to ET anymore.
That's just my two cents, though.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: If people really tries to get offended, let them. "horny old man" of course was what the one freaked out was viewing them as.
No, it's not kids getting freaked out. It's people with some emotional problem (like separations, paranoia, some phobia) and these people hate to see the last visitors list go, because they "want" to get freaked out. But it's calmer for me if they don't.
2008-07-15 [Trennas]: @moonlit: i had the logout/in problem too.. try cleaning out your browsers cookies, internet files, etc and it should work fine again:)
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [Trennas]: [Moonlit Serenade] said hes/she didn't want to log in, not that it was impossible...
2008-07-15 [Trennas]: i was actually referring to this part: "I keep thinking I'm logged out, and I'm not," not the last bit.. although now that i think of it im not even sure its the same as what i had XD gah, need sleep:p
2008-07-15 [AuroraLumos]: just so you know hedda the last visitor list bit works on IE7... not sure if anyone told you that yet or not (and I'm too lazy to read back over all the comments XD)
2008-07-15 [Lothuriel]: A couple of times, I've had to Google search Elftown, and then log in through an exported member's house because elftown.eu wouldn't load. Is that a problem with my computer or an Elftown glitch?
2008-07-15 [rinkydink]: I honestly didn't mind the visitor list, it was usually how I wandered around the site, seeing who was online and bored enough to look in on my page. If they didn't talk to me, big whoop. I don't talk to too many either, unless I want to.
As for the rest of the updates, I would like to not wade through everybody's "look at me" photos and all the search engines on the main page to see if my friends are anywhere near their computers.
As long as the "add me" feature deals with the visitor's list, and it's not a relationship request, I'm okay about it, I guess.
2008-07-15 [Hedda]: [AuroraLumos]: What doy ou mean it works? It's adding friends automatically to it now. That's all.
2008-07-15 [windowframe]: Do people still get automagickally added to the last visitors list of new members? iippo noticed that when we viewed [Naraxa]'s house, neither of us were given the option to add ourselves to the last visitors list, we were tehre already.
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: Yes, if the list is empty (Less than 5 visitors), visitors get added. It would be so boring for new members otherwise.
2008-07-16 [windowframe]: Fair enough. :)
2008-07-16 [Imperator]: Yeah, I would like it if we could reset our Last Visitors and Last Visited box.
And as an after thought, then the first five visitors would automatically be added to the list so in a way it could satisfy people who want to know who visited their house if they care to constantly reset the thing. Or not...
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: [manwe]: "who, exactly, besides the admins/guards, can see the "last visited" and the "last visitor" lists?"
Eh? Isn't it obvious that everyone one can?
Editing last visitor lists? Bah! You people can't handle the visitor lists!
2008-07-16 [Balthizar]: Cant..we just have it back?
Were there really that many people who disliked it that much?
Thought it was a brilliant tool on seeing and meeting peopple.
2008-07-16 [Yami]: I liked the old elftown much better, it was easier and more simple, I actually got confused when I tried to edit the wiki pages. The button was completely out of the ordinary place, the side menus are all messed up and I get confused as I'm scrolling down to veiw my wiki changes.
2008-07-16 [Imperator]: I have been added to a few people's visitor lists without clicking the add me button and they aren't new either and now I'm dreadfully frightened and confused so you're absolutely right [Hedda], I can't handle the visitor lists! *sob*
2008-07-16 [Mortified Penguin]: I think you're only added to someone's list automatically if you're either their friend or if they're new... and were the bracketed names really necessary...?
2008-07-16 [Mortified Penguin]: You'll also be added to a friend's visitor list even if you just viewed their diary and not their house...
2008-07-16 [Caterin S.]: I seem to get added automatically to the lists of my friends now too, but when I try to add myself to other people's visitor lists, the whole sidebar turns black and if I highlight it, there reads ERROR and some Internet address with something like tha page couldn't be found. (I'm using Firefox.) Anyone else having the same problems, or is it just me?
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: [Caterin S.]: Sounds like a temprary network problem. Doesn't it work now?
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: I also seem to be added to people's last visitors lists, without adding myself..
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: Does that happen when you visit your relation's houses? You're automagically added if you visit one of your friend's houses. :P W00t I got to use the cool word!
2008-07-16 [Kyrinn]: I think I would have preferred the visitor's list to just go away. the drama over keeping it seems ridiculous. (I apologize if this has already been mentioned) Other sites dont have a visitor's list and the sites that DO, you have to subscribe to get it. I think the list has caused unnecessary drama in the past and now it will continue to do so because now there will be people getting worked up over who is coming to their house and NOT adding themselves to the visitor list.
Juuuust my opinion here. Everything else is pretty good!
2008-07-16 [Imperator]: What does "ymmv" mean?
2008-07-16 [Jewl]: I think, as a member of elftown since '03, that this new change of rearranging things on the right side is terrible. Maybe could we please have a choice? I hate it, personally. I can't find anything anymore.
2008-07-16 [Kyrinn]: I still think that keeping the visitor's list with the new 'add me' option is kind of pointless. There are those people who will freak out over stuff like that, just as they do at other sites. I also know that in the past the same visitor's list was the source of drama. If the list stays, its fine, I dont pay attention to that list very much anyways.
I am going by what I myself have seen, and what Ive been told by others on this.
[Imperator] I believe that would be a signature.
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: [manwe]: You read wrong. [Kyrinn] wrote "Other sites don't have a visitor list", which in this case means "Some other sites...".
Facebook doesn't have a visitor list. And Facebook is the only non-Heddate community/netw
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: [Jewl]: I'm too have a problem to find things, so I'm suffering with you. But it will get easier when we get used to it, and the order is more logical and better now.
For example: If you are on a wiki-page, you don't see the online friends at once, but as the are always at approximately the same place, a quick page-down or page-scroll will show them.
If you want to see the last logins, you're probably so bored that you don't mind searching for that list for a while...
The wiki/member-ch
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: That blue became pretty ugly, but that's a reason to read out those links fast and that's good.
2008-07-16 [Yncke]: It does make the new messages stand out less...
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: Not that much. They are so far away from each other.
2008-07-16 [Yncke]: I just react on blue from the corner of an eye. :)
2008-07-16 [Kyrinn]: the blue confused me but i kinda like it now...
2008-07-16 [Delladreing]: Gru, [Hedda] please don't make anything else that blue colour :\ It's (one of) the shade(s) that trigger visualy disturbed migraines in a lot of people, myself included. It's fine in the small font but anything larger than that I'm going to need my tinted glasses. (And yes I know I can make it smaller, but then I need my other glasses to read basic text :P)
2008-07-16 [windowframe]: I think it should be lilac instead. :P
2008-07-16 [Caterin S.]: [Hedda]: It's still the same. I can't add myself to other people's visitor list. :( It might be the network I'm using since there also appears an email address, which is probably the address of our university's computer support and it's their network I'm using.
2008-07-16 [Steel Mal'ak]: Elftown is ugly now...
2008-07-16 [Imperator]: I don't like the blue color that wiki changes and comments are in. I prefered the green but if it changed to this blue when you hover your mouse over it, that would be fine. I know you're trying to make it stand out but it stands out too much...
@[manwe]: I have searched your entire house and I can't find "ymmv"!
2008-07-16 [Zab]: Can anyone at leastgive me a reason for having the wikipage data/editing stuff so high up? It's not hard to find and if you'll edit a page that little difference isn't in the way... But it pushes the wiki comments really far down for those who actually likes keeping track of them.
Oh well, I give up anyway.
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: I agree with you though, [Zab]. I've asked that question a few times aswell, but didn't get an answer yet either=/
2008-07-16 [True, plain and simple]: I disagree with the current placement as well, so I can't tell you. :P
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: I don't mind it too much, although seeing all the GO! buttons is a bit of an eyesore, and I already wear glasses when I'm on my laptop. It's a bit squashed too..
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: if a lot of people disagree with it, then why... ah, nevermind, we'll see xD
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: That 'blue' colour, sorta makes me wanna barf. Dx
2008-07-16 [True, plain and simple]: I'm also not a fan of the blue colour on the change links. ;)
2008-07-16 [Zab]: It (the blue linkishing) would look nice if we turned the rest of Elftown black :D
2008-07-16 [Imperator]: I'm okay with it, I just don't want it to be there unless I hover my mouse over it...
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Black ET would be nice >=D! Then it would match my black FireFox browser, and Black Vista panels... XD
2008-07-16 [Imperator]: NO! No black! I don't want ET to look goth or emo!
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Lol! Black doesn't make it goth or emo. I'd like a dark style sheet like that. I like black because it can so easily match things. Black and blue are awesome colours together.
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: the halloween stylesheet is black :)
2008-07-16 [Zab]: Let's make ET EMO!!!!!! Mohahahaha! With razorblades instead of the wine rank thingies to the left..>D
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: Dude, black is just a colour. :P I doubt it would happen anyway unless a black stylesheet was made.
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I know, but I don't like to be attacked with pumpkins... there were pumpkins on there right? I forget D:
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: Pretend they aren't there? :D
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Ah! Blue bars! Not to be mistaken with...
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oh, but pumpkins creep me out... DX
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: you can also make your own stylesheet :)
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: O_____O Blue brackets. Me no likey at all.
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: me neither D:<
2008-07-16 [Tekkon KinKreet]: whoa... o_0
2008-07-16 [Delladreing]: Me either. it looks...O_o
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: My gosh, they're messing with my eyes! :( I was just getting used to the new ET as well..
2008-07-16 [Yncke]: I really prefer the green with black and white colour scheme. If this stays, I'm really looking forward to the other stylesheets working again... :s
2008-07-16 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i used shroomish for a loooong time, then got bored with it, and went back to the regular
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: the blue is a fine colour, but it doesn't really fit the green of the rest of ET =/
I must say that I'm really liking the new buttons though, now that I'm used to it ^^
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Yeah, but [Teufelsweib] I'm not the best at making such things. DX
And the blue is kinda crazy with mah eyeballs!
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: me neither xD But I'm sure there are helppages! if you really want a black stylesheet without any pumpkins, you might want to check it out :P *goes looking for helppages*
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: ^.^ Oh ya, I could do that! It might take me a while... buuut... x3
2008-07-16 [Delladreing]: yea the blue is making my eyes skitter about. I actually have now had to put my tinted glasses on to keep myself focused and to stop a migraine. Not cool :\
2008-07-16 [Kyrinn]: look on the bright side. at least the updates dont show up in pink or something..
2008-07-16 [Teufelsweib]: Elftownstylesheets whee!!! foundz eet! =D
I can't help you further with it though, but I'm sure other people could if you have any more questions :3
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: I've got a headache with my glasses on and I always wear them when I'm on my laptop. ;_;
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: And, I agree with you, [Delladreing]. As, I too suffer from migraines. I don't like the blue at all. Dx
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: [Caterin S.]: Send me the error message, and I can probably tell you what it is.
2008-07-16 [Zab]: (Anyone knowing a tutorial for making a stylesheet fitting this new ET?)
2008-07-16 [Delladreing]: Pink I could live with, it's the blue that triggers something in my brain that then causes epic pain.
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: Hmmm.. black looks okay, I can get used to it. :P
2008-07-16 [Delladreing]: *takes glasses off* yes it is better :P
2008-07-16 [Hedda]: [Atayemi]: I had to change the username links to something that couldn't be made in pseudo HTML because otherwise people could write very confusing comments appearing to be someone else. And now it's a little more clear what is a link in the comment and from Elftown itself.
2008-07-16 [True, plain and simple]: Has that ever actually happened? >_>
2008-07-16 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: OMG. I like this SOOO much better!
2008-07-16 [Atayemi]: Oooh, okay, awesome. :)
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